Wednesday, August 5, 2015

New Mag or fanzine

Many, many, MANY years ago I created a very popular Dungeons and Dragons fanzine with a buddy, Dan Mazur. To this day I still love magazines. I grab any radio ones I can find. Some will from time to time put in an article that hits my level of knowledge.

I plan to create a small fanzine with articles geared towards the person how is getting their ticket(license) or has just received ot, or maybe they just have not utilised it like myself.

I want us to work together to create something that can help bring other people into this great hobby. If you are a geek or a nerd then I declare amateur radio IS FOR YOU!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

About Time!

I had wanted to be a Ham since I was 13 years of age. I added getting my license to my bucket list a few years back and achieved that goal. When I fell upon some hard times in 2013 I had to get rid of all my equipment, except on handheld, but she was stolen.

I recently got my HT back, but realized I was basically starting over.  I do better with goals, so my goal is to become a good amateur, actually plug myself into the community, and get my General license. This blog will be my journal on this path.

How you can help. Hold mne to these goals and call me out if I do not post at least once a week with a status of what I have been doing.